C3 plans to hold two working meetings annually, one in the spring and the other in the fall. When feasible, we anticipate having one of these meetings each year in-person. Our meetings are open to clinical experts, patients, methodologists, invited industry partners, and other stakeholders interested in Core Outcome Sets for dermatologic conditions.

The first jointly organized CHORD COUSIN Collaboration (C3) meeting took place on January 28-29, 2022 with over 150 attendees. Our most recent meeting, which took place on October 20-21, 2023, had over 250 attendees. 

Please say tuned for more details about future meetings. 


HECOS Consensus Meeting

Adjacent to Congress of the European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD)

September 3-4, 2024
Dresden, Germany

DGUV Congress 
Congress Centre of the IAG 
Koenigsbruecker Landstr. 2 
01109 Dresden 



To register, please download the registration form. Please send the completed form to HECOS.derma@ukdd.de before July 31, 2024. 



Tuesday, September 3, 2024 

Pre-Meeting:  What is HECOS all about? 
14.00-15.00: Introduction to HECOS, methods briefing 

HECOS – Consensus Meeting 
15.00-15.30:  Introduction to HECOS (goals reached so far, eDelphi results) 
15.30-16.30:  Ratification of items that already reached consensus in the preceding eDelphi 
16.45-17.30:  Small group work 1: discussion of controversial items 
17:30-18.30:  Large group 1: consensus voting 
From 19.00:  Social Dinner (Location TBD) 
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 
9.00-10.00:  Small group work 2: discussion of controversial items 
10.00-10.30:  Large group 2: consensus voting 
10.45-11.45:  Small group work 3: discussion of controversial items 
11.45-12.30:  Large group 3: consensus voting 


Who should attend?
Anyone with an interest in hand eczema: patients, health professionals, students, researchers, industry representatives. 

What does participation mean?
Participants must agree to attend both days of the HECOS consensus meeting. For a meaningful discussion and voting, everybody needs to be present on Tuesday from 14:00 to 18:30 and also on Wednesday from 9:00 to 12:30. Participants who are experienced in the development of core outcome sets and are familiar with HECOS do not need to attend the pre-meeting on Tuesday from 14.00 to 15.00. Further exceptions can be made only for patients. 

Will participation be compensated?
As a compensation for their efforts, patients with hand eczema or their caregivers receive an allowance of € 50 after the meeting. The meeting’s sponsors (EADV and pharmaceutical or cosmetic companies) will also make it possible to cover reasonable travel fees for patients or their caregivers. 

Unfortunately, other stakeholder groups cannot be compensated. Catering at the consensus meeting (but not the social dinner) is covered for all participants.

Will there be an attendance fee?

We charge a fee of € 250 for representatives of pharmaceutical or cosmetic companies. The fee will allow us to cover travel costs for patient representatives. It includes catering at the consensus meeting (but not the social dinner). Only two research and development representatives per company are allowed.

The meeting is free for researchers, health professionals, students, and all other participants.

Local Accomodations