Disease State: Various skin disorders treated with lasers



Many skin disorders can be improved with laser treatments. Evidence for efficacy is lacking for most of these treatments, in part owed to the low prevalence of some conditions. Moreover, laser device developers may have little interest in supporting trials for non-cosmetic indications. Consequently, current evidence is insufficient to provide clinicians with guidance and details of optimal laser regimens for non-cosmetic indications. 

The absence of evidence results both in undertreatment (patients who do not receive potentially effective laser treatment) and overtreatment (patients who receive ineffective laser treatments). 


Project Goal

LEAD stands for The International Laser TrEAtment Dermatology (LEAD) registry. We envision a platform that will enable laser clinicians to prospectively register relevant outcomes of laser treatments. This initiative will facilitate evaluation of safety and clinical effectiveness of treatments in real-world settings.

To establish such a registry, there must be agreement on a relevant minimum set of outcomes. However, as hundreds of rare disorders are involved, it may not be feasible to develop a COS for each disorder. Therefore, we aim to agree on a common core set of outcomes that will be relevant across skin disorders.

Our group has completed a systematic review on measures used in studies of laser treatments across various skin disorders. We have completed the protocol on COS development, and the relevant domains have been established though consensus exercises. 


Project Leads

Albert Wolkerstorfer
Albert Wolkerstorfer
Frederike Fransen
Frederike Fransen
Phyllis Spuls
Phyllis Spuls

C3 Methods Partner

Jan Kottner
Jan Kottner

Executive Committee

Key Project Team Members

Murad Alam
Murad Alam
Ashraf M Badawi
Ashraf M Badawi
Pablo Boixeda
Pablo Boixeda
Iltefat Hamzavi
Iltefat Hamzavi
Merete Haedersdal
Merete Haedersdal
Lene Hedelund
Lene Hedelund
Kristen M Kelly
Kristen M Kelly
Taro Kono
Taro Kono
Hans J Laubach
Hans J Laubach
Woraphong Manuskiatti
Woraphong Manuskiatti
Leonardo Marini
Leonardo Marini
Keyvan Nouri
Keyvan Nouri
Uwe Paasch
Uwe Paasch
Thierry Passeron
Thierry Passeron
Sanna Prinsen
Sanna Prinsen
Ines Verner
Ines Verner


Albert Wolkerstorfer (a.wolkerstorfer@amsterdamumc.nl)



  • Fransen F, Tio DCKS, Prinsen CAC, Haedersdal M, Hedelund L, Laubach HJ, Marini L, Paasch U, Passeron T, Wolkerstorfer A. A systematic review of outcome reporting in laser treatments for dermatological diseases. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020; 34(1): 47-53.

  • Fransen F, Spuls P, Alam M, Badawi A, Boixeda P, Haedersdal M, Hamzavi I, Hedelund L, Kelly KM, Kono T, Laubach HJ, Manuskiatti W, Marini L, Nouri K, Paasch U, Passeron T, Prinsen CACS, Verner I, Wolkerstorfer A. Generic outcome set for the international registry on Laser trEAtments in Dermatology (LEAD): a protocol for a Delphi study to achieve consensus on what to measure. BMJ Open. 2020; 10(6): e038145.


Updated on June 24, 2022